OLLIE is the third song on "I REMEMBER" and is dedicated to the memory of Oliver Nelson. Oliver called everybody "Tubs'"or sometimes "Jimmy." I was never called Jimmy, only Tubs. We were recording together with Günter Schuler and Rise Stevens on the day that JFK was assassinated. The date was called (mercifully because Rise Stevens vibrato reminded everyone of Bert Lahr as the lion) and we all went to Clark Terry's house to watch the unfolding of America's greatest tragedy. Everyone was upset but Oliver was beside himself and kept calling all of the TV stations telling them this was no time to show the flag. A few years later when he wrote THE KENNEDY DREAM he was still emotionally on tenterhooks and asked me to stand by as soloist. He started to conduct and motioned me out of the booth and said, "Get your horn Tubs! I will be lucky if I can get through my conducting gig. Playing is not possible."
Another great album never reissued. More Ebay fodder.